Recursion and Backtracking
。就像电影 《盗梦空间》,梦中有梦。
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| function dream() print "Dreaming" dream()
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| function factorial(x) if x is 0 return 1 return x*factorial(x-1)
- 问题可以分成更小的通用的类型。
- 必须有终止条件。
- 在stackoverflow之前达到终止条件。
N-Queens Problem
- 终止条件是N=0,返回成功解决问题。
- 当棋盘遍历结束但是N>0,需要回溯上一步。
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| is_attacked( x, y, board[][], N) if any cell in xth row is 1 return true if any cell in yth column is 1 return true if any cell (p, q) having p+q = x+y is 1 return true if any cell (p, q) having p-q = x-y is 1 return true return false N-Queens( board[][], N ) if N is 0 return true for i = 1 to N { for j = 1 to N { if is_attacked(i, j, board, N) is true skip it and move to next cell board[i][j] = 1 if N-Queens( board, N-1) is true return true board[i][j] = 0 were made i.e., remove current queen from (i,j)*/ } } return false